Thursday, 3 April 2014

FMP Beat Sheet

1) Opening Image
2)Theme stated
3) Set-up
4) Catalyst
5) debate
6) Break into two
7) B-Story
8) Fun and Games
9) Midpoint
10) Bad guys close in
11) All is lost
12) Dark Night of the soul
13) Break into 3
14) Finale
15) Final Image

1) The opening image for my FMP is one of an infomercial showing off the new range "Life Enhancing medication"
2) Being different isn't always better.
3) Going through different adverts to show off the time period
4)Daniel receives a formal letter saying he has been accepted into the Engsai pharmaceuticals Life Enhancing

5) Whether or not he should take the medication.

6) he begins to take the medication.


8) As he begins to take more and more of the medication. More and more powers become relevant and he begins to play around with them.

9) Small side effects begin to emerge in the coming days, small burns in t-shirts, begins to steam up at random times.

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